March 08, 2023

NEWS: Congressman Jamaal Bowman Enraged by Reports that the Biden Administration May Reinstate Family Immigration Detention Centers



WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yesterday, reports that the Biden Administration may be reinstating Trump-era family immigration detention centers surfaced. Congressman Jamaal Bowman Ed.D. (NY-16) released the following statement in response: 

“I was enraged to hear of the most recent announcement that the Biden Administration may be reinstating Trump-era detention of migrant families. We are seeing this administration repackage some of the most damaging immigration policies that arose under Trump, contributing to a consensus that such policies are acceptable in the United States.  Let me be clear: detaining families, mothers, and children is not “securing our borders.” Putting restrictions on our asylum system, a system protected under International and domestic law, is not “being strong on immigration.” Barring anyone from entry that does not use an app, which is rife with equity and technical problems, is not “leadership on immigration.” The only thing these policies accomplish is to spread more divisive and false rhetoric around who immigrants are and ensure that we fall short on what is required of us as a nation to support them. 

“President Biden has the power to move us toward an immigration system that leads with compassion, respect, and empathy. The creation of this system would require visionary leadership that is not currently reflected in the immigration policies coming from the administration – but they’re more than capable of making positive changes to the system. I call upon President Biden to approach this issue with humanity and compassion. I implore him to reverse the harmful policies he has already instituted and to avoid implementing additional harmful policies, such as family detention.” 

